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Monday, February 13, 2012

Political Equation

The Unfolding political equation of the Nation at the moment is;
DRP + PPM + QP + JP + QI + AP = MDP
Flags of some political parties in Maldives

DRP ; Divehi Rayyithunge Party
PPM; Peoples’ Progressive Party
QP; Qaumee Party
JP; Jumhooree Party
QI; Qumee Iththihaadh
AP; Adaalath Party
MDP; Maldivian Democratic Party

After few day, I interpret the above equation will be;
DRP + PPM + QP + JP + QI + AP < MDP


  1. ތިން އަހަރު ފަހުން އެމްޑީޕީގޭ ކުލަޔާއި ވަހާއި ރަހަ މި ދިވެހި ޖައްވަުން ފޮހެވިގެން ދާނެ. ގަންޖާބޯބަޔަކަށް މިގައުމުގައި ފުރުޞަތެއް ނެތްކަން ރައްޔިތުން ސާބިތުކޮށްދީފި

  2. The political equation, given by Firaz above, is very true. When we give numericals, some items in that equation will have zero to substitute. To make the equation balance again, police and MNDF must intervene the growing population of MDP either by killing them or by making the disability. This will be the future democracy seen in Maldives. Human rights will be seen only in theories in the Maldives. If people ignorethis, a time will come that nobody is able to open their mouth to express even a word.


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