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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Personality development programs and their importance

Personality is considered as the “brand image” of an individual. It is the sum total of all physical, mental and emotional attitudes, values, interests and motivational factors. It is the core potential that determines ones success in life and career. In simple terms it is made up of 3 important aspects; character, behavior and attitude. Basically, personality development is the improvement of behavior, communication skills, interpersonal relationships, attitude towards life and ethics. Character can be considered the basic factor in determining and individual’s personality. There are several psychologists who say that improving character and behavior alone will largely influence one’s personality.

Personality development
It is just developing
·         More external appearance
·         Speech
·         Mannerism
·         Behavior in accordance of expectations of a group

Importance of personality development
·         Ensures excellence in one’s chose field
·         Contribute to individual and national development
·         An improvement in personality can improve our character for success in any undertakings.
Personality development programs are those programs which help an individual to develop his or her personality by understanding, and improving the above mentioned aspects. In fact there are immense possibilities within us to develop our personality. We have the ability and potential of becoming everything and anything.  The key to success is hidden within us. However we have to explore and recognize them and we can achieve this effectively through personality development programs

Through a personality development program an individual can be benefited in various ways. Here I am going to highlight on some of them.
·        improving communication skills
The skill of communication strengthens the personality a lot. As we all know that all actions are controlled by the tongue. They originate from speech.  A person who is not honest by speech is considered dishonest in all respects. The man who has not control over his speech cannot be sure if he can exercise any control over his self while working. If a wrong thing is said in good style it also becomes effective. Through these programs we can inculcate soft and sweet words in our speech so that others value us and respect us.

·        Helps to believe in healthy competition

As soon as we lift the first step toward success we start facing difficulties. There are many hindrances and thorns on the path of success. Therefore we have to have enough courage and enthusiasm to cross those obstacles, pains and sufferings to taste the sweet fruit of success. To achieve success it is necessary that all the energies of body, mind and wealth are utilized in one direction only. Personality development programs teach us how to concentrate our mind and energy to that particular work in order to achieve success.

·        Imparting positive attitude

In developing personality, positive attitude plays a significant role. A person with narrow outlook will not progress to success even though he has sufficient talent and qualification. Therefore it is important to have a healthy blend of mind. The personality development program helps us to build good qualities and enhances our mental outlook. It enables to adopt positive outlook towards the aspects of life. This in turn makes our relations better and sweeter. It helps us not to find faults with others and help us to say ‘I can do it’ instead of ‘I cannot do it’.
·        Controlling of anger and getting irritated
There are people who do not know that getting angry and being irritated habitually are hindrances in the path of their personality development. Hence unknowingly they themselves are becoming the obstacles on their way to success. Consequently it is very important to know how to control the anger and getting irritated easily. It helps to handle difficult situations calmly
·        Developing creative power
One who is engaged in constructive activity of one or the other kind is always happy. All men should channelize their energies in creative work. Be it agriculture, physical labor, daily wager, craftsmanship, office work, domestic chores or social work. Breach in creativity is a breach in peace and happiness. By participating in personality development program we can enhance our creative power too.
·        Time management
Personality development program teaches us how to utilize the available time in its most effective way. As every moment of our life is a golden moment we should make best use of the moments to reach the peak of success. We should know how to push away the failures and to achieve the victory no matter how difficult obstacles we faced through. If we pass these moments carelessly then we becomes the victim of vicious circle of failure.
·        Using spare time in social work
If we want to be recognized in the society and want to reach the pinnacle of success, we should not keep out self aloof from society. Our deep feelings and responsibility towards society makes us good and responsible citizen of the society we live in. The more we work for society and the more we remain connected with it, the more famous we will become the fame will enhance our personality and enthusiasm. Always remember that society is ours. We need it. Live not only for yourself but for the society.

·         Understanding and caring.

The best way to be understood is to be understanding. And the basis of real communication is also understanding.

·        Honesty, integrity and sincerity

Once a man resorts to lies for self gains and self protection then he gradually becomes an expert in telling lies. Lies, treachery, manipulation and fraud are such aspects of our personality which will lead to our failure, insult and defamation at every step of life. It is an admitted fact that bad ideas develop more rapidly as compared to good ideas. Therefore, we must try and keep ourselves away from all kinds of bad ideas and their impact. It is necessary that we get rid of these negative shortcomings with firm determination to get success in life. It is possible to achieve this through personality development programs.

·        Clarity of goals and purpose of life

Goals can be achieved systematic, determined, consistent efforts with self controlling and accepting setbacks without dejection. The personality development programs show us different paths on which we can reach our goals. It also shows us the purpose of life.

·        Attitudes towards failures and mistakes

If we want to develop our personality we should learn from our own mistakes and change ourselves. We should be cautious not to repeat the same mistake. In addition to this we should know that we have no right to blame others for our own mistakes

·        Enthusiasm

It is very important aspect which gives us joy and happiness in our work and life. It lead to commitment and overcome feelings of tiredness, lack of sleep and disappointments


Personality development programs help us strengthen our personality, impart good qualities and characters. Eventually it leads to complete transformation of an individual in appositive way. On the one hand it helps to express our originality, creativity and deep thinking. On the other hand it helps us to give up artificiality, imitation and shallow and superficial thinking. Personality development gives an individual’s talent a shape which would be accepted and looked up to. Personality is the only thing which would serve us in the long run and make us shine. It imbibes us the good qualities of a person including ambition, commitment, responsibility, hard work and character. Therefore personality development programs are good tools for shaping up our personality


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