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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Social Cognitive Learning Theory – Defines real Learning

Unlike other learning theories, social cognitive learning theory defines learning through observation of others. The three well known elements linked to this theory are self-regulation, cognitive modeling and vicarious learning. Here, vicarious learning has its own importance and imitation plays a predominant role. For example, Moosa did all past paper questions and achieved A*, So Ahmed started practicing past papers in the 9th Standard. What had happened?

Yes. Ahmed has copied the behavior of Moosa and applied to his own context since he thinks it suits him. Well, self-judgment and self-regulation is needed to do things of own choice. Students develop talents and curiosity to desired/ liked events more and unintentionally students think they can do that at their best ability.

Social Cognitive Learning theory can be applied to real life teaching and learning aspect in the following areas.
·        Self-questioning:
·        Self-instructional Direct Statement
·        Prioritizing the sequence of events like doing summaries first before deep in the subject.
·        Assessing help and guidance
·        Self-reinforcement
·        Self-motoring
·        Assessing relevant prior knowledge
·        Developmental Status
·        Model Prestige and competence
·        Vicarious consequences
·        Outcome expectations
·        Goal Setting
·        Self-efficacy
·        Fine-tuning already learned behaviors
·        Strengthening or weakening inhibition
·        Teaching new behavior
·        Arousing emotion
Therefore, I believe environment, surrounding and social interactions are main sources of learning with improving cognitive ability of students.

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