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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A large population of more than 3000 people but fails to elect MP from population

Ihavandhoo is one of the biggest island in terms of population with the richest economy in the atoll. Another special characteristic of Ihavandhoo is increased number of educated youths and has a very vibrant society. The fishermen and womenfolk of the island have been considered as very self-sufficient for their food, shelter and water. The epidemics of political dependence to big bosses faded away with the empowerment of women and youth in the atoll.

It is high time for the people of Ihavandhoo to elected a natural born citizen of Ihavandhoo as next MP in 2014 to freed the political sovereignty and power delegation to islanders in general. We must believe in the change as far as we have faith that the change will bring positive results.

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