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Monday, February 27, 2012

Waheed - President for MNDF and MPS

Peoples’ President Anni has advised Waheed not to visit addu at this time to hurt the feelings of Addu people. Ignoring this advice, Waheed visited Addu and Fuahmulah recently hoping that he will fetch the peoples’ publicity. It was reported that hardly 250 persons have been gathered to welcome Waheed and Imad Solih, the deputy leader of Quamee Party faced confrontations from MDP women activists of Addu and later he has been given security by police.
MPS controlling the Crowd
MDP Allies in Fuahmulah
Armed military persons were seen in all scenes followed by Waheed depicting the reality of ruling with power and definitely Waheed is not Peoples’ President.
Last night, Waheed met his allies in Sharafuddheen Building and Muhinbudeen School where herds of Mdp supporters claimed Waheed is not their voted President and calls for an early election. During the confrontations with the crowd it was reported that MPS has beaten children and woman severely and the whole area has been sprayed with pepper spray and tear gas to disperse the gathered crowd. Some also reported that MPS has used the “Rubber Bullets” against the crowd and this caused major injuries to some activists of MDP.  
Also the City council of Addu questioned the legitimacy of this new government and it is not accepting this transfer of power and gave the label of “Bagee Sarukaaru” to Waheed government by a decree. Aslo city council has decided not to foster any cooperation by any means to Waheed. Indeed, no member of any councils in Addu has turned up for welcoming Waheed.
The same situation and scenario can be observed and seen when Waheed arrived Fuahmulah this morning. MNDF and MPS welcoming Waheed and his Wife.  Peoples’ Vote casted in 2008 must be reinstalled soon for peace and national security of the Nation.

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